Thursday, September 3, 2009

Peace Out

I H-A-T-E feelings!!!!!! I don't know when or if ever I'll be able to feel emotions normally, without them being amplified and overwhelming. Will emotions like anxiety and sadness always incapacitate me or will I one day be able to manage my emotions?

I've been having a lot of overwhelming feelings lately - mainly anxiety and panic (come on Klonopin, do your effing job already!) because of my internship starting on Tuesday. To combat these feelings, I have made a pact with myself to lose XX pounds. I'm beginning to realize that losing weight is my "go-to solution" to anything that is scary or unmanageable. But deciding to lose weight, even though it is a distraction, ultimately exacerbates the original overwhelming feelings.

FEELINGS CAN SUCK IT. I'm done with them. Done. Absolutely done. Peace out.


Eating With Others said...

No! That is not an ansere. You need feelings. Even the one's that suck. Just breath. Feelings do suck sometimes but what about being happy? What about being excited about the new job? Think how much it will suck to go in like a robot and not really talk to anyone, not learn things about them or let them learn about you.

Wrapped up in Life said...

You are not done. By any means.

Don't give's a much shorter journey to happiness than you realize.


Sadie said...

You do have the control Sweetpea. Just take them by the balls and show them who's boss! You are infact the only one who has any control over you, your life and otherwise. You just have to realize you've always been in control.

Alexandra Rising said...

Empowerment sent your way!