Thursday, September 10, 2009

Morning Stupidity

I was really stressed rushing to the metro this morning to get to work. I realized that I didn't have enough money on my Smart Trip card so I begrudgingly had to stop at the pay stations to put more money on my card. $3.25 to get to work every morning - that's almost $7 roundtrip a day!! Can we say Ripoff with a capital R?! To put money on your card you have to swipe your card in the beginning of your transaction and at the end of your transaction. I tried to get through this process as quickly as possible:

1. Swipe Smart Trip card
2. Enter in amont
3. Insert debit card
4. Enter PIN
5. Swipe Smart Trip card again to close the transaction -- um, hello, I said swipe Smart Trip card.... swipe, swipe, swipe - nothing was happening! I was freaking out because the train was coming and my card wasn't swiping. I frantically turned around for help and found a Metro employee and I told them that my card wasn't swiping. I'm sure she heard the panic in my voice.

Her response:

"Um, miss, that is your Starbucks card."


9 comments: said...


I was looking for my phone yesterday.... while talking on it...

oh, life :)

Alexandra Rising said...

Hahaha! This is amazing! Best story of the day.

Anonymous said...

Haha. Too funny. Hope the day got less crazy!

Lisa and Jim said...

Yup. Did that.

Metro is so damn expensive. And I heard they might jack the prices up!

lisalisa said...

this is so funny! Seriously, you make me smile!

Krista said...

I had a similar experience trying to pay for my Walmart purchase with my library card.

Telstaar said...

LOL! I was in zombie mode reading this (yes I'm really admitting that) and you wrote it out beautifully, such a way that I laughed out loud and now have a big smile on my face :)

Thanks for sharing and entertaining :)

The Thurber's said...

that's awesome!

simply me said...

i tried to pay for groceries with my student id card once. oops.