Tuesday, September 8, 2009

First Day on the Job - Check!

I was a mess all morning. I woke up at 4am and couldn't sleep. I tried on 7 different outfits. I blow dried my hair into a tangly mess. I almost ralphed on the Metro. I barely had time to stop at Starbucks on the way to work since I forgot to eat breakfast in my morning rush. Basically, I was a stress basket all morning. But at 9:47am when I walked into my new office.... everything fell into place.


It's not going to be easy, but I loooooooove my boss and co-workers and that's what's going to pull me through - I just know it.

I'm dying of exhaustion. I feel like I just ran a marathon.

More later when I'm more coherent.


Krista said...

Congrats on starting the job. I'm glad that you like it.

Caitlin said...

wahoo!!! I'm so glad to hear that!!!!

licketysplit said...

YEA! So happy to hear it went well!

Telstaar said...

YAY! I'm so very glad you had a great day while you were there :)

I look forward to the updates as you're able xo

now.is.now said...

OH YAY! I'M SO HAPPY TO READ THIS! A good boss and coworkers is so important! You rock, Kara!

Eating With Others said...

Good for you! Hope you got a better breakfast today!

Suzie Q said...

Glad you like it!

lisalisa said...

Hooray! That's awesome! I hope you have less anxiety tommorrow morning, since you know your job is going to be great now.
What is it that you are doing, anyway? I think somehow I missed what your new job is.

Asherbie said...

Congratulations, kara! What a feat, a great job and things are looking up.

kristin said...

Yeah! I'm so glad! :)