Thursday, January 29, 2009

To DS or Not to DS... That is the Question...

I'm miserable.  I need something to dull the pain besides popping ineffective sleeping pills.  I need a good distraction so I can run away from the real issues.  More importantly, I need a new distraction to keep me from doing negative behaviors.  Current distractions:

- Blogging (yay!)
- TV
- Sleeping
- Diet Dr. Pepper

But I need a new distraction.  Something fun.  Something mindless, yet captivating.  I've been toying with the idea of buying a Nintendo DS.  I don't know if you've seen the commercials for them, but they seem pretty cool.  Dork alert, I know.  But they have games ranging from teaching you how to cook to training your brain to be smarter to as many Mario Brothers games as you can think of (and even some that you can't).  So enticing...  I can be an impulsive shopper so I'm going to try to be pragmatic and make a Pros/Cons list.  


- I secretly enjoy playing video games (shhhh)
- If I want to play video games (shhhh) it would be cheaper to buy a DS than say, a Wii.  
- The DS is small so I can more easily hide my embarrassment of owning one
- Ever since I saw that Mario Brothers t-shirt at Hot Topic, I've been itching to play
- I do have a job now so I will have some money soon (by the way, today was my first day and it went great, the girl is sooooo sweet and we both like Kelly Clarkson - yeeeees!)
- They are so cute.  You can even buy one in pink.  
- Using the stylus will make me look sophisticated (until they realize I'm playing video games, that is). 
- Does there have to be a good reason??  Waah.  I want  one.  [Sheepish grin.]    


- Money, money, money, moooooney 
- Do I really want to admit to someone that I own a more teched out version of a Gameboy at the age of 24?  And that I voluntarily purchased it???
- I should probably deal with the real issues instead of investing in another distraction.
- I could be doing so many more productive things with my time than playing video games (speaking of productive, I had a great interview at the rape crisis center and I'm going to start the training on Feb. 10!)  
- If I buy a Nintendo DS will I become a couch potato (more than I already am, hehe) and will my brain turn to mush?
- Do I really want to become a "gamer?"


Well, I have more Pros than Cons, but some of the Cons carry more weight than some of the Pros.  (Not having a mushy brain should probably be more important than having something cute... tough call though.)

I don't know - any thoughts?  Do any of you want to fess up to owning one?  Feel free to tell me how lame I am for wanting one.  I won't be offended.  I might need a good kick in the pants...


Just Eat It! said...

I have owned every single Gameboy model to date. I must say, it's a worthy investment simply for the Pokemon games and Animal Crossing. The "teaching" games get boring fast. I should be too old for Pokemon games, but they are really just too fun. :)

Best tip for buying a DS? Only buy used games from Game Stop. You can essentially trade in a game when you're done with it and then buy another used one for ten bucks.

It is one of the most entertaining mindless distractions there is.

Zena said...

okay well you definately have more pros then cons and as far as I know its pretty much required to follow the list...( as a secret wii player) its a GREAT distraction I would love to have one that I could carry around with me and look cool all the time...Distractions are needed sometimes..I say go for it!!!

Love, z

Sadie said...

I have wanted a DS since they came out and I HATE HATE video games! I want to get the cooking program, the math/mind game...But I could live without the "gamers games". I love love love the DS!!! I wish I had one!

Krista said...

Or you could get a PSP, but I don't think you can play mario bros on them. You can however watch movies on them. I say if you want one go for it.

Kevin & Rhiannon said...

Just do it. Everyone needs a hobby. And yes, I even like to play video games from time to time. I was sad when my husband said we should sell our N64. I miss Mario Kart. :(

brie said...

DS's rock my socks. I've got a pink one and we're in love. While I was prego and on bedrest it saved me.

I say go for it. Totally.

Sarah Johnson said...

hahah! The best part about you buying the DS is that I could play with it!!! Honestly now, do you really need another reason? That's what I thought.

K said...

Well folks, I'm now a proud owner of a pink (Brie, we must be cool because we chose the same color) Nintendo DS! Yay for spending money that I shouldn't be spending! I'm going to open it right now...

PTC said...

I say that you skip the DS and start getting out more and try dealing with the issues. Don't hide behind them by burying yourself in video games.

JC said...

Ok first of all, I didn't realize they look like that on the inside and that just totally swayed me to the "Yes" side, when I originated at the "No" side. Nintendo original game controls were the only ones I figured out how to play on! I can't play any other game because I'm useless with controls! lol

I'm totally for looking chic while secretly playing a game. That is just such a Violet thing.

I think if you can play games that help your brain, then you're probably less likely to spend time dullening your brain elsewhere, right?

I'm a "Say No to Video Games" person (especially xbox) but in this case, I will make the exception. Hope it helps!

PS- how supercool is it that now you have a new job to help pay for it??? lol :)

JC said...

Oh awesome! I didn't realize you already bought one! Let us know how you find it!

kristin said...

I don't think it is lame for owning one. Not at all. I have a Nintendo Wii personally. I love gaming! I used to be addicted to World of Warcraft.

I think it would be cool if you got a Nintendo DS. It is a good distraction from things and it helps to de-stress. I play my Wii or a computer game and I am able to calm down.

Take care! Good luck with your decision!


lisalisa said...

my 7 year old has a ds and i cant get her away from it ( i didnt get it for her, it was her dad)! It does seem to be quite the distracting activity, though.

Asherbie said...

Don't know about DS; I'm not a pro at that stuff. But Beckett and I love DDR :) Teaches you quick karate reflexes that I'm sure you would love to have if you became a ninja. Also, I remember Sister Bourgeous loved knitting and stuff like that... you could make something cool! Anyway, good luck! Love yer guts.

lisalisa said...

hey- hope my comment didnt come off as sounding rude. i didnt mean anything by saying that my 7-year old had a ds, i was just relating my experience with them. They do seem like lots of fun. The games are a little pricey, but i am looking at it from a tightwad mom point of view. i liike Just Eat It's idea about buying used games. :)

KC said...

I say go for it. coloring books are also great distractions, believe it or not.