Saturday, January 10, 2009

Apply, Apply, Apply

Well, I didn't get the waitressing job that I posted about on Thursday.  Sigh.  I know it's a tough market right now, but it's hard not to feel bad about myself.   Granted, there were 20 applicants for 5 spots so the odds were against me anyway, I still can't help feeling like I'm not good enough. 

I've decided that I'm going to take some of my readers' advice and start volunteering.  I want to volunteer on the rape crisis hotline.  I have a friend doing it and she says it's very rewarding.  The eight week training starts on February 9th, so I'm trying to get a hold of someone at the crisis center in order to sign up.  Someone is supposed to call me back next week.  I know it's going to be an intense job, but I talked to Dr. K about it and she approves.  

I'm also in the process of applying for something call the Volunteer Corps.  It's a year long program in the city I live in that sets people up with organizations of your choice to intern at.  You get a stipend and a free place to live (so I can move out of my parents' house!).  About 5-6 people get chosen every year and they all live in a house together for the duration of the program.  The next cycle is from Fall 2009 to Fall 2010.  So it doesn't start for a while, but the applications are due ASAP.  I'm hoping that I can get set up to work in some social services organization so I can get some experience for grad school.  I don't know how many people typically apply for the 5-6 spots, but I am a tiny bit hopeful that I will get chosen because my mom goes to church with the people that run it - and as I have learned, having an "in" is the only way to go.    

I saw my dietician, J, yesterday and we had a good session.  She doesn't think I'm eating enough, but she is still willing to work with me where I'm at for now (I'm sure that will change soon; I think she is still being nice because I just started seeing her).  We set up a plan to help prevent me from overeating/bingeing at night - night time is the devil - and she gave me some good tips.  I never thought I'd say this, but I'm glad that I'm seeing J.  

I'm off to be very productive, a.k.a watching some more taped episodes of "Say Yes to the Dress."        


Carrie said...

That volunteer corps thing sounds great. I wish I had done something like that back in the day. Good luck!

kristin said...

Too bad about the waitress job. Hang in there! Finding a job sucks and you just have to keep at it! Something will come along.

I think the volunteering sounds like a great idea! You should definitely think about applying for that internship. That sounds like a great opportunity!

I'm glad that J is helping you! Yeah for good professionals! :)

Take care!


Anonymous said...

Hi Kara. I'd love to hear the tips that your D gave you about the night-time eating. I've been struggling with that. My D just tells me I need to be eating more during the day or it will probably continue. But I also know it's a habitual thing, and I don't know how to break that part.

I'm sorry to hear about the waitressing job. But I am happy to hear about the volunteering! I think all of that sounds like great experience. And it's always good to have something to keep you busy.

I asked my dietitian why she hadn't fired me yet, when I don't seem to be able to take her advice and I stay in my ED. She says she doesn't believe in giving up on people, and there must be some reason that I continue to go (well, nevermind the fact that I'm kind of told I have to go by my doctor and I don't want to risk losing him). But hopefully your D has a similar take on things.

Caitlin said...


Kudos to the volunteering - it always helps put things in perspective.

I hope you get into this program you want to do.

Also, I have a thought . . . maybe you could fit in some temple volunteer time? That's pretty rewarding, too. :)

Sarah Johnson said...

yeah for say yes to the dress...and bride wars!! I loved that. i liked coming over to your pad too and meeting the johnson clan :) including hershey. so i'm still feeling the new header on your blog, but i'm sure you will mess around with it some more until YOU feel it too. i think the volunteer corps sounds like a great opportunity. keep us all posted!

PTC said...

Hey Kara,
Sorry to hear about the job, but it's okay. All those other prospects sound pretty cool.

I'm glad you like your dietician too. I'm sure it's not always that easy to find someone you like and connect with.

Tiptoe said...

There are many rewards to volunteering, so I'm really glad you are pursuing it. In high school, one of my senior internships was at a private house for domestic violence abuse victims. It was quite moving to be there and help them in ways I could.

I've heard of Volunteer Corp before. It can also be a great opportunity to experience career options you might not have thought of.

Good luck with both!

T.S.T. said...

I also did a stint with AmeriCorps about a decade ago, and I don't regret it. Something else worth looking into!