Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Can I Just Stay in Bed Forever?

I saw Dr. K this morning and we talked about how I get overwhelmed so easily.  It basically comes down to the fact that I have no self confidence and am scared sh-tless to live my life.  I'm so afraid that I'm not going to be able to handle things (ex: a job, grad school, being a "normal" person, etc.).  I get anxious at the thought of becoming anxious.  It's so much safer to stay in bed under the covers than it is to go out and achieve your dreams.  Heck, who cares about achieving dreams, what about just being a self-sustaining, functional member of society.  I'm even scared to do that.  Since coming home from therapy this morning, I have been in bed all day, trying to block out the world and avoid thinking about anything.  It's days like these that I just want to go back to the eating disorder and escape my life...


Sadie said...

Cheer UP Buttercup!!! Maybe go for a nice walk if the weather is good. Clear your head with some fresh air!!! Always helps me. Love you!

KC said...

hon I'm sorry...please try to bear through the immense anxiety that comes when you give up ED - it's cheesy, but life w/o ed is so worth it. I know this is personal,but have you talked to your doc about your anxiety?

PTC said...

Hmm, is there some sort of medication you can take that would help?

DaftDragon said...

oh my GAWD i hate that feeling. wish i could offer sage advice but i sorta suck at that so i'll just send you some positive virtual karma. BING! there.

kristin said...

I agree with Kyla--have you spoken to your doc about your anxiety? Maybe Dr. K can help.

Hang in there, Kara.


K said...

Dr. K and I have discussed adding another anxiety med, maybe I need to talk to her more seriously about it.

I am feeling better today - I think I slept it off. Nothing beats sleeping in 'til noon, haha.