Sunday, January 4, 2009

Many Thank Yous from Me!

Thanks everyone for your comments on my last post.  I'm feeling much better now because of your feedback.  

Well today is my last day in Colorado.  We have about three feet of snow here so we are going to go snowshoeing and sledding.  I've never been snowshoeing before, but I'm excited to try it.  I love being active, but it's overshadowed by my fear of not getting enough exercise.  That sounded weird, but let me explain. When I exercise (even it it's for fun), I have trouble being in the moment and enjoying myself.  Instead, I'm thinking: Am I working hard enough?  Am I burning enough calories?  I have to make sure I keep at this for XX minutes...  So today, I'm going to go out and enjoy myself and try not to obsess about how much I'm exercising.  


PTC said...

I totally understand that. I wear my heart rate monitor when I play field hockey, go ice skating, etc.

JC said...

I hope you enjoy the snow, and let the bright vitamin D just soak in! I hope you have a great time. :)

lisalisa said...

i know what you mean. I try to tell myself things like " just for today, i am taking a break from my eating disorder" or " i dont have to worry about this stuff right now, im on vacation". Sometimes when im out of my normal routine i can trick my ed into thinking that it is on hiatus. I dont know. Its just a thought. Snowshoeing sounds fun though!

PTC said...

I do the same thing, Lisa!

Sarah Johnson said...

I love reading your blog because it's so dang honest, and you bring up so many issues that a lot of face as well....

Like the exercise thing. Somehow I never felt free to just be active and play around for pleasure's sake because my mind was always "calculating" and "processing" other ed things. It's taken a little effort to change this mindset, to where play and liesure are just that. I'm not all the way there, but am striking a nice, middle ground where I'm happy. And that's always a good place to be :)

Welcome Home !!

DaftDragon said...

i do the same thing. I went on a hiking trip with my family in November and I was constantly logging minutes, counting calories, estmating my heart rate, and assuming that the numbers I came up with were probably like twice as high as the calories I actually burned. wish i could say something sage, but an ungrounded "live in the moment!" doesn't do much. Best of luck, happy being activ.