Saturday, March 7, 2009

New Peeps

I'm meeting a new friend tonight.  We both went to the same ED treatment center, but never actually met.  My friends know her and her friends know me and blah blah blah, but we don't know each other.  I'm excited to meet her because we've been chatting on Facebook for months and she seems really cool.  We have a lot in common.  She is in town for the weekend and wanted to get together.  It's always scary meeting new people though.  When I'm meeting someone new, I'm really conscious about body image.  I just spent 30 minutes trying to find an outfit and I feel fat in everything.  So I just chose the best one and I'm going to try not to think about it.  I'm so worried that she is going to think I'm fat and judge me negatively for that.  But I'm trying to remember that she wants to meet me for me, not for what I look like (especially since, hello, we have only chatted online and not in face to face).  It's funny - I have never even heard her voice.  We set up tonight's meeting all through Facebook and texts.  


I hope she doesn't turn out to be a 40 year old guy...

Ha.  Nah.  :)  



PTC said...

Hope you had fun.

Anonymous said...

So I already know she wasn't a 40 year old dude. I'm glad you met up. It's always a bit awkward to meet people in person that you know online. I've done it several times and it is always a strange and surreal experience!!

Still, how cool is it that we have the internets and can talk and meet people we never would have otherwise met? I'm constantly amazed by that.

Katherine said...

First of all, I think you are more fabulous now than I ever did. I had a blast with you and it was so fun actually 'meeting.' Secondly, you looked so cute...I loved your outfit and have actually been looking for a hoodie similar to that. You are anything BUT fat, not that that would have made any difference whatsoever, but reality check here: YOU ARE NOT FAT. There really IS so MUCH more to you then size or appearance. You are a beautiful girl, both inside and out, and what is on the inside (your personality, faith, sense of humor, wisdom, etc) makes you even more gorgeous on the outside. Hang in there Kara, I love you!!

alana.rachelle said...

i am super jealous of the fact that you got to play for a while with miss kat. she is for reals one of my favorite people! :) i'm sure you looked hot, so no worries! and even if you hadn't, kat has seen me looking absolutely TERRIBLE and she still likes me! so... hooray for no judgemental friends who know where we're coming from and are supportive of all that we do! :) hang in there kara!