Friday, March 20, 2009

Invasion of the Rellies

In therapy today, Dr. K and I talked about how this weekend is going to be a nightmare.  Why, you ask?  The relatives are coming!!!  Fifteen of them.  Yes, you heard me right, FIFTEEN.  They are all going to be staying at my house.  Me no likey.  Not only am I terrified by large groups, I don't even know some of these relatives very well.  It's going to be hella awkward.  I'm going to use the excuse that I need to go off and study for the GRE quite often (I knew the GRE was good for something).

Three of my relatives have been here since Wednesday and the rest are coming tonight.  I told Dr. K about a specific incident that happened on Wednesday night with my aunt (who, by the way is extremely overweight, and therefore very triggering).  I think I've mentioned on my blog before that my new obsession is diet orange soda.  Well, on Wednesday night I poured myself a nice tall glass of it and settled in to read some blogs on my computer in the kitchen.  Well, G, my aunt, came in and said, "Ooooooo, is that orange soda?"  After I said yes, she said, "I think I'll have some too."  My immediate thought was: NO!  That's MY orange soda.  You can't have any!  It's mine, mine, mine.  

I don't know about you guys, but I get really possessive about my food sometimes.  I have certain foods in the house that my parents don't like that are my favorites, so I know they will always be there (i.e. diet orange soda).  I like knowing that the food I like will always be there, that no one is going to eat the last one.  That I won't be surprised by none being left when I want one.  I like knowing.  I like to be in control.  It makes me feel safe.  It gives me security.  I don't like change.  

Having fifteen relatives in the house is going to throw of my food routine and my food security along with everything else.  Aaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!    


Kim said...

Wow, that is quite an invasion! I would be super anxious too, so you're not alone in that feeling. I hate having my space invaded. I guess all you can do is tell yourself it's temporary and try to think of some safe havens. I would be ducking out to the movie theater, for example, if I were you. Haha. You'll survive, of course, but this is just one more of life's challenges :)

Kristina said...

Wow. That. Is. A. Lot. Of. People.
And relative people. Shew. My sympathy goes out to you!
It sounds as though you have found a way to give yourself somewhat of a buffer (the GRE; I always use grading). I hope that will give you enough space and time to yourself.
And, yes, I totally understand the food possession.
Good luck!

Becky said...

yes yes yes I to am possesive of my foods! I hate that! and diet orange soda is probably my favorite beverage of all time!!! I always have a stash of it, and I LOVE when the 2 litres are on sale for like $.70! Awe man I hope you find a good/maybe fun way to deal with all those relatives :) Good luck :)

Just Eat It! said...

Man, I hate when people steal my food. I thought it was just me, but I go nuts when people take my Diet Coke or popcorn or whatever.

licketysplit said...

ick. Does not sound like fun. You can get away to do fun stuff too, like the library or Barnes and Noble or a coffee shop (is it weird that I consider those things fun??)I am a little nervous about the upcoming days as well as I am going to be stuck in close proximity with my family, driving to and spending time in California. I get along with them all 'relatively' well (no pun intended ;) but still, I NEED my space! Good luck!

Anonymous said...

I don't even think I have 15 relatives!

PTC said...

I get like that with my food too. I totally get it.

Ugh, I can't imagine having 15 people stay in my house. That's nuts, well, in my house house, not my apartment.

Momza said...

Hi Kara, I found your blog thru Sadie's. It's been a long time hasn't it?
About 4 years, I think. Well, I hope you get thru this weekend full of relatives. Ha! By the time each of my kids get married, there'll be 14 of us...somehow that just doesn't seem to be so many to me. I guess I'm just used to it.
And ya know what? Even I hide my favorite treats!

Sarah Johnson said...

OH wow. Yes. I likewise TOTALLY get it. One of the hardest things for me to do when I was living abroad was having to forgo my control over what and when and how I ate.
When I went to Africa, I brought with me a box of protein cookies from the states, and it was my prized little possession. I would 'sneak' one every night, hoping that no one would DARE ask to try some. I had a stash, and it was MINE. MY way of controlling the out-of-control situation!

So ya, I get it. But don't worry, even with aunt G around, you'll be okay. you'll make it through. GOOD LUCK!

Telstaar said...

Oh my 15 people, eek! I'm not good even just having my mum and sister around, let alone grandparents, let alone a bazillion other relatives! My heart goes out to you. I hope you survive more than you feel you will. I like your excuse of the GRE, I think that is good planning!

I am quite the similar with having "my" food. It doesn't work well when I'm living with people and plays with my head when I go to the fridge and whatever it was I wanted is now GONE. So I totally get that. I am glad to live on my own so that all my stuff is there :).

Good luck!!! xoxo

Tiptoe said...

I'm late in replying, but I hope you are getting through the weekend okay. I'd be in a panic, honestly. I just try to remind myself that they won't be there forever, just a short time. Then, I start counting the days, hours, minutes, etc.

As for food, yeah, I've felt that way before. But it isn't just an Ed thing. I remember having two roommates in college, and one of them ate the other's ice cream. He got very ticked off, and started labeling all his stuff. This is when I'm glad I live alone and do not have to worry about food stealing.