Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Things That Make Me Happy

I talked to Dr. K yesterday and I brought up changing my meds.  I just finished weaning off one med, so after we see how things go with that, we are going to talk about changing my sleeping pill.  Thank the Holy Medicine Gods!!!  To put it lightly, I am NOT sleeping well.  I need a little more, maybe a lot more, medicine magic.  

Well, since I've been so down lately, I decided that I needed a more upbeat post - for your sake and mine.  Even though I'm really depressed, here are some things that help me not totally lose my sanity.  Yay for little things that make me happy.  Here we go:

Hershey - my cute cockapoo (we presume - she is a pound dog).  I snapped this photo at kind of a weird angle so it's hard to tell that it's a dog, but use your imagination.  She is on her favorite perch on the sofa by the window overlooking the garage.  Whenever someone opens the garage, she comes rushing to the window to see the car pull in.  Then she races to the basement stairs so she can meet us when we come in.  She has a cute little tail that swirls in circles in rapid fire motion.  It's adorable!  Hershey isn't exactly my dog though.  She's my parents.  They got her 3 years ago when I wasn't living at home.  But I've adopted her as mine since I've been home.  

Okay, so I was a BIG skeptic of NetFlix before I got it.  It sounded really sketch and like more trouble than it was worth.  However (a BIG however), it is actually the most ingenious concept!  It will bring world peace.  I love trying out new TV shows from Netflix.  I just got Gossip Girls Season 1 in the mail so I'm going to try it out.  A lot of people like it, who knows...  

I was always a Burt's Bees girl until THIS - Philosophy Lip Gloss in Gingerbread.  I love it because it makes my lips shiny.  New concept for me.  I own two - one for my room and one for the purse.  I'm high maintenance, I know.  :)

Okay, these lollipops are my new obsession. It was Nips, but these lollipops are I-N-C-R-E-D-I-B-L-E.  Sour apple candy covered in caramel goodness - on a stick!  Can't get any better than that!  I just bought two bags.  Go big or go home!

And last, definitely not least - my best inanimate object friend: my down North Face jacket.  I've had it for a couple of years and I'd have to say that it is one of my all time best purchases.  I wear it ALL the time - outside, inside, in bed, on the couch... (perhaps verging on unhealthy???)  

As you have surely noticed, I have some weird formatting problems here (like where the heck did the underline come from and how do I turn it off?), but this post is much better than the other one I did where I alternated pictures and text.  I'm learning!


Lisa said...

Oh god, I love those sticky green caramel apple pops. They were like crack in middle school.

Krista said...

I would much rather drink Diet Dr Pepper than water too, but you know what flavor of crystal light I LOVE? It's actually the Walmart Great Value brand of fruit punch...mmmmm! I try my best to switch it up sometimes. Also I totally became addicted to Nips after going to CFC. My favorite are the butter rum flavored one, but you can only buy them and some stores. They will pull your filling out however!

Katherine said...

oh my gosh! im so going out to get those lollipops tomorrow--they sound delicious!!

one of my friends and i have also become obsessed with flavored sparkling water--often in place of plain water. it gives the carbonation of a soft drink, the flavor of what you choose, and it feels so much more sophisticated! haha. Also, mixing crystal light with perrier (the small individual plastic bottles with one packet of crystal light) is wonderful. mmmmmm

i've re-adopted my "puppy" too sine being home. yeah, she is like 11 but she's tiny and adorable and i like to hold her and hug her and squeeze her and pet her and snuggle with her. ;-) haha, yeah i'm a little obsessed.

and oh thank the heavens for med changes...i'm working on that with one of mine right now too and i'm sooooo relieved! keep me updated on how it goes.

oh, and you know what else should make you happy? (um, yeah, i just told you how to feel?!) i will be in DC march 5th-7th or 8th. we are totally going to play so get excited! (and by play, i dont care if its chilling in our north faces under blankets at my hotel watching movies) long as i'm with you i know it will be fun.

we have got to catch up more soon. i miss you and love you! hang in there and let me know if you want to talk!

Anonymous said...

The underlining isn't your fault. It's a Blogger bug. I know, because it has happened to me. I can go into more detail if you want but it's not all that interesting. Basically, if you put in the picture first and then tried to type above it, you got the underlined text right? So you just have to type text first...

I liked this post, it was fun!

Anonymous said...

I think I liked this post a lot because it was about products and I am a product whore. The gingerbread lip gloss looks so yummers!

KC said...

so happy! I love happy posts too. thanks for sharing

Sarah Johnson said...

hey-great job with the blog! don't worry, the underlining crap will work itself out, just blogger nonsense. I wonder if the gingerbread lipgloss would make me break looks oh, so enticing though. And yes, the pops are one of a kind. Go big or go home!

Marilla said...

did you know that burt's bee's makes a lipgloss now??? yep. it's amazing, though, certainly not as shiny as yours!

brie said...

LOVELOVELOVEWANTTOMAKELOVETO Gossip Girls. Can't wait for you to watch it!

Glad for the happy post, hope it helped cheer you a bit...


PTC said...

Those pops look yummy!!!

I hope the new meds work for you. I can't imagine what it must be like to be so depressed.