Saturday, February 21, 2009


5 - the number of people that have RSVPed to my "party"

10 - the number of chocolate cupcakes I have ready on a platter

2 - the number of games I have planned to play during the party

42 - the number of minutes before the party starts

14 - the number of breaths I'm taking every 5 seconds

112 - the number of beats my heart takes every 5 seconds

3 - the number of cupcakes I have wolfed down in sheer terror

1.2 - the number of minutes I have before I have a total meltdown

Why am I inviting people over??????  Bad idea.  Bad idea.  Bad idea.  Breathe.  Breathe.  It's going to be okay.  Ugh, no I'm going to have  panic attack.  Breathe.  I hate parties.  I hate parties.  I hate parties.  Okay, I can do this.  Breathe.  Aahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!  


kristin said...

Hang in there!

with love, kristin

Standing in the Rain said...

deep breath! though at this point you are already enjoying your paarrtaaay!

let us know how it went! hope you are having a rip-roaring good time!

JC said...

Have fun!! It might feel better once people start coming and you're taken out of the suspense ;)

Tiptoe said...

I hope your party goes well! Happy Birthday!

PTC said...

Hope all went well.

Wrapped up in Life said...

I hope it surpassed your thoughts!

brie said...

I would have come if I lived near you! I'm sure it was amazing! ;)