Monday, February 16, 2009


Okay, things are feeling more manageable today.  Granted, I didn't get out of bed until 2:30pm so I haven't had much of a day yet, but I'm feeling a bit better.  The pain is down to a moderate throb instead of a gut-wrenching panic.  I just have to hang on until therapy tomorrow morning -just 19 more hours to go.  I can do it.  Dr. K is going to change my meds tomorrow.  On Friday she gave me two options and gave me the weekend to think about it.  I can either go on Lithium or Abilify.  I was on Lithium years ago and it worked, but I'm paranoid about the weight gain, so I think I'm going to go on Abilify.  I've heard good things about it.  I can't believe how out of control my life has become.  It's unreal.  



Anonymous said...

Like I mentioned, I take Abilify. It's been good to me. It has definitely taken away some of the crazies.

Just Eat It! said...

I've taken both. I'm very sensitive with medication and Abilify made me sick to my stomach. Lithium made me drool and twitch.

I wouldn't worry about the "weight gain." I'm on one of the number one supposed weight-gain drugs, Zyprexa, and I haven't gained (aside from what I technically have to). The producers of the drugs have to put anything that anyone during a study experienced as a side effect. Weight gain for those who participated in the study may have been a result of something completely unrelated to the medication, but they have to list it anyway.

PTC said...

A few more hours left...

I hope the new meds work for you. I don't really know anything about meds, but you should try not to worry about weight gain some much. I know that's hard for us ED people, but if you feel better, isn't that more important?!

kristin said...

I know how you feel. I hope you can get your medications straightened out.

Hang in there.


btw, I have not gained weight on lithium.

JC said...

Its funny, the last blog I read had a strikingly similar post about the sleeping in and meds and seeing the doc today/tomorrow. Me too. Exactly. I'm seeing mine tomorrow. We're tweaking meds too. So is that other person. And we all got up at the same time. :)

I'm on lithium and I have had absolutely no weight gain from it. Just acne.

I've never taken Abilify because it hasn't been approved in Canada (that may have changed in the last few months).

A lot of medications increase appetite which is what causes weight gain. If you are good at maintaining your health, it shouldn't be as much of an issue. In my opinion, it's better to use the medication that works- either way there may be unwanted side effects. You being well is so much more important than all of that.

Sarah said...

oh honey. I'm thinking of you. Times like this are so hard. It won't last, though. I know it feels like it will, but it won't.

hold on. you're not alone.


Wrapped up in Life said...

Medication: Blessing & Curse.

Took my Dr. and I alot of tweaking before I wasn't feeling anti-life. All those months...wasted.

I hope you can work out a new 'cocktail' (so says my Dr.) that gives you a bit more stability and relief.

Katherine said...

I love Diet Dr Pepper! But I love you more!! So sorry I haven't been around to talk this past week--was on vacation with the fam. I hope things have continued to improve. Know that I'm thinking about you and love you so much! Call/text ANYtime!
and as far as the meds go, abilify did not work at all for me, but i do know some people that it's helped. never been on lithium. lamictol has worked really really well for me once we got the dosage right. anyways, let's for sure catch up SOON!