I saw Dr. K this morning and it was one of those "logistical" appointments where you mostly talk about medication and treatment plans and stuff. I talked to her about getting a PRN anxiety med, but after talking about it, I broke down and admitted that I would probably just abuse it. I really want some good juice, like Ativan or Klonipin, but I know that I'll just abuse it. I have a very addictive personality. So if there is something that I can abuse, I will. Sigh. I'll have to stay strong and deal with the anxiety attacks on my own.
Dr. K wants me to do therapeutic yoga. I don't know exactly what that means, but there is a lady that she knows that specializes in it so I'm going to try it out. It's going to be pretty embarrassing though because I'm the least flexible and coordinated person in the whole world, but it's supposedly really good for anxiety. Dr. K wants me to get in touch with my body. I don't know if I'm so keen on that idea, but I'm willing to give it a shot.
I also talked to Dr. K today about my eating. (This could be triggering.) The urge to binge is CRAZY STRONG at night. It comes regardless of what I eat during the day and it's nearly impossible to overcome. I'm so scared, paranoid, frightened, freaked, all the adjectives at once, because this is the same thing that happened a year and a half ago. When I discharged from the Center (IP), I went on a binge rampage and gained A LOT of weight (I'm not kidding). I've lost all the weight, but I'm super freaked that it's going to happen again because I'm getting those urges again. I really don't want to start down this road again. I have to put a stop to it now. I just feel so out of control. Can anyone relate to this madness?