All week, I've been thinking, Thursday is the day that I'm getting weighed at my D's, thursday is the day that I'm getting weighed at my D's... So I get to my D's today and I figure that that's what we are going to do first. Nope. She didn't even mention it. Today was also the day we were going to make a meal plan so we jumped right into that (and that's a whole other post). The whole time we were meal planning, all I could think about was getting weighed. Did she forget to weigh me? Will I have to bring it up? Should I bring it up? I couldn't decide what to do, so I just did nothing and nodded along at her meal planning.
Finally, at the end of the appointment, an hour later, J says, "Well, today's the day we were going to get a baseline weight on you." Then all this pent up anxiety gushed out of my mouth and I went on and on about how I wanted to get weighed but I was afraid that she would think that I'm a heifer (my treatment team hasn't known my weight in about a month and I've gained weight). All of a sudden all this panic came out about J knowing my weight. She assured me that she wouldn't think that I was a heifer and suggested that maybe doing a blind weigh would be better than what I wanted to do (which was a non-blind weigh). I almost agreed, almost - but before I could say ok, J said, "You know what, this sounds like there is too much pressure about this, let's not weigh you at all. We'll have to gauge things a different way, like how your clothes fit." When she said that, relief flooded over me.
But I knew, as soon as she said that -
I was going to continue weighing myself at home. :(