Friday, August 7, 2009

Keep Calm and Carry On

Here is the poster I just got for my room from Etsy. (Only in cute purple.) It's a replica of the famous posters that were posted by the British government in Britain during World War II to remind the people to "keep calm and carry on." It's a great reminder for little Miss Stress Basket here too. Isn't it a great saying?

4 comments: said...


lisalisa said...

I looove this poster!

And regarding your previous post: I fell back into restricting for a few days and it was amazing how "separate" I felt from my family while in the ED mindset. It was like I couldn't even connect with anyone, almost like they were from another planet of something. Scatty. So, I totally get what you are talking about. I would add, though , that there are times in my life that I relished this "side effect" of the disordered eating, because it was easier to stay in my own little world than deal with interpersonal relationships. Do you ever feel that way?

kristin said...

That's an awesome poster. :)

Suzie Q said...

Great thing to remember!