Sunday, August 2, 2009

It's An Adjustment

"I have adjusted to the darkness.  Now I have to adjust to the light."  

- Anonymous

This quote is very appropriate for me.  I have adjusted to the darkness in my life.  I have lowered my expectations and am comfortable to some extent in my misery.  I don't actively strive to have a happy, fulfilling life, I am just content to live in the shadows.  But with recovery, comes light.  Just as your eyes have to adjust to a light flipped on in a room, I have to adjust to the light that is entering my life.  It hurts a little at first and you have to squint, but eventually you get used to it and the light makes things more pleasant.  But I'm scared of the light.  It's new.  It's different.  I've already adjusted to the dark.  It's comfortable.  It's safe.  It's what I know.   

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Hey Kara... I stumbled across your blog for the first time the other day, so I wanted to leave some love.. I think this is so true. A bit sad that pain is more natural and welcomed as our norm... But like you said, if you keep looking at an surrounding yourself with light, you'll adjust to that too. Thanks for the post.