Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Honest Scrap

It's now 5am and I haven't been able to sleep for a couple of hours. I've been tagged, so I'm going to do the Honest Scrap. Yay for having honest blogs! Here are the rules:

1. Brag about it.
2. Select 3 other blogs that you find brilliant.
3. Write 10 honest things about yourself.

1. I don't know if I can brag about it because I expect all blogs to be honest. That is the beauty of the blogging world - it seems like honesty is so much easier here than in the real world. It is/can be a safe(r) place to express thoughts and feelings.

2. All the blogs that I deem brilliant have already been tagged. But I especially find these blogs to be honest:
  • Just Eat It
  • Playing with Numbers
Well, those two will suffice. I think there are many other blogs that are brilliant and honest, but those are two that come to mind.

3. Ten Honest Things About Me:
  1. I'm too scared to have a boyfriend, or even try to have a boyfriend. I'm too scared to even go on dates. (Not that anyone has asked me in years anyway.)
  2. I have an obsession with collarbones. They are probably my favorite part of the body. I wish mine were more prominent. (Note: I think people can have great collarbones regardless of body size.)
  3. I luuuuuuurv to go to the grocery store. Instead of going on one big trip once a week, I take little trips throughout the week. One time I went twice in one day and the cashier recognized me and asked if I had already been in that day - awkward!!
  4. I am not not embarrassed to buy tampons. But I am embarrassed to buy junk food (speaking of junk food, I haven't B/Ped in a week! Yay me!).
  5. I never sleep with my feet out from under the end of covers because I'm still secretly afraid that monsters from under the bed will grab my feet and bite off my toes.
  6. I have a phobia of dangly earrings. I have never worn a pair in the 12 years that I've had my ears pierced. Not even just to try them on. I'm terrified that someone will pull them out or they will get caught on something and rip my ear lobes. I ONLY wear studs.
  7. I'm embarrassed to announce that I like books from the juvenile section better than real adult books. I don't appreciate great literature., I just enjoy entertaining books.
  8. I have two younger brothers, but I like one better than the other. But I will never reveal which one.
  9. I have mother issues. I cycle between not wanting to talk to her at all to being too attached to her and calling her 3 times a day.
  10. I never wear just one shirt. I have to wear at least two (like a tight tee shirt under my regular shirt). It's like I feel safer that way.
There you have it folks!


Eating With Others said...

Ok I'm with you on the feet being covered thing. I total get that. I'm a shopper too! I tend to go to three or four different ones so I will not be recognized.

Don't let the monster's get you!

Just Eat It! said...

Wow, I can relate to so many of these! I enjoy books from the young adult section, too. Usually I go to the library with my hood up at a time no one will be there. Thank you for considering me an honest blogger.

lisalisa said...

I don't know why, but i think the two t-shirts thing is really funny!

Thanks for letting us get to know you a little better. You are a unique, honest, amazing person!

Alexandra Rising said...

4. <<<< Yay! Congrats.

I too go to the grocery store multiple times a week. But I change up which store I go to to avoid the situation you described :P

Also, young adult books are so much more fun to read, I think!

Graze With Me said...

I wear two shirt at ALL times too, I just don't feel comfortable without that extra layer.

I too, go grocery shopping a few times a week. Never been recognized though!