Thursday, October 29, 2009

Worst Therapy Experience EVER

On Tuesday, I had an appointment with Dr. K at 5:45pm. Usually I go straight from work to my evening appointments, but on Tuesday I got to leave work early. I got home and was exhausted so I decided to take a power nap before my appointment. I set two alarms - because I'm always paranoid about oversleeping. Well, lo and behold I wake up and it's 5:55pm - ten minutes after my appointment! I scream a big silent eek! and race out the door. I make it in good time, but when I get to her building it's after 6pm. After 6pm none of the elevators will go up without a key card. I frantically look around for the security guard to let me up, but he is no where to be found. People are streaming out of the elevators (6pm - work is over) and I asked about 15 different people if they had a key card to swipe me into the elevator. Finally one lady had one, but her security clearance only went up to the 5th floor. Um, problem, Dr. K is on the freaking 13th floor! So I decided to ride up to the 5th floor and then run up the stairs (in my thigh high hooker boots no less) to the 13th floor. By the time I get to the top, my legs were so noodly and wobbly I can barely make it down the hall to Dr. K's office without collapsing.

By the time I get there, I only have 15 friggin' minutes left in our appointment. I was hoping she would stay later since this was her last appointment of the day, but NOPE, she gave me 15 minutes to the T. I was beyond frustrated that 1) I overslept, 2) I couldn't find the effing security guard and 3) I had to haul ass up a bizillon flights of stairs - all for what? 15 lousy minutes.

It gets better. I told Dr. K as I was leaving that I had secretly hoped that she would let me stay longer. Her response: that she was tired and needed to eat dinner. WTF?


lisalisa said...

oh my that sounds like a horrible day! Sometimes the stars just line up and take a giant dump on you. Hope your tomorrow is better :)

Telstaar said...

Oh that sucks big time! I remember once I had an appt with the D and I didn't want to go ANYWAY and it had been numerous months and the like... I thought the appt was like 1 hour later than it was and she rings me to ask me where I am, doh! BUT I had to take another friend to see the same D who had an appt after me! So I STILL had to go and, she pulled me into her office for like 5 minutes and I paid her for the missed time and she made a new appt with me and blah blah. Then I had to sit and be all normal while I did handover for the other girl and go sit in the waiting room and try not to be frustrated and anxious and arghhh! Soooo annoying when things just don't go right!!!

I hope your next appt is better. And you know Kara, maybe its good that you went to that effort for 15 minutes because at least it shows Dr K that you weren't just brushing her off or being lazy kinda thing, that you DID want to be there but circumstance was against you today.



PTC said...

I would be SOOO PISSED at her for that comment. It would be one thing is she had plans or another patient, but that is a horrible excuse.

K said...

I agree, PTC!!!

kristin said...

Oh, Kara, I'm so sorry! That really sucks. I really wish things would have gone better. :(

Anonymous said...

Welllllll, at least she was going to eat? Healthy role model!

But in all seriousness, I know this sucked. Maybe you should set an alarm for your naps. That might be a good idea whether you have an appointment or not, just to try to keep them under better control.

Jackie said...

Ugh I am sorry :( The whole day seemed so frustrating - a day when you needed your T the most. Sorry I haven't been around much, I will try to change that. I am thinking about you. xoxo