Wednesday, October 14, 2009

29 Days

Almost like the Sandra Bullock movie "28 Days," but just one day off. 29 is the number of days I've worked consistently in a row at my job before taking a "mental health day." I almost folded at 27 days, but I made it until today. I did get my sorry ass out of bed this morning to go to work - I had good intentions. Got ready in 17 minutes flat. I got on the train. Went to Starbucks. Showed up at work. Starred at my computer monitor for about an hour. Ran an errand for my boss. Then it was time to go to the clubs (my job is to run girls clubs at middle and high schools, more on that later) and I just couldn't make myself do it. So I left. Yes, I did tell my boss and tie up loose ends with the clubs, but I basically just left. Which is a big deal, because if I'm not there, the clubs don't happen.

It's a bittersweet day for me because on the one hand, I made it a whole 29 days before ditching work (which is a MAJOR record for me!). However, on the other hand, this is a job that I can't afford to miss days because people are actually depending on me. I have multiple clubs a day and I really can't afford to miss any days at work. And now that I've opened the door to leaving work, I don't want it to become a pattern. Well, let me rephrase, I do want it to be a pattern because I just can't handle my life sometimes (wouldn't it be nice to take days off whenever you wanted???), but it CAN'T become a habit.

When I talked to my boss about leaving she was very abrupt with me and has since ignored my text, so I'm not looking forward to seeing her tomorrow. Oh, the wrath....


kristin said...

It sounds like you needed that day for you and I think that's perfectly acceptable. I agree that it shouldn't/can't become a habit. I don't think you should feel guilty about it. People do depend on you yeah but you need a break every once in a while.

I'm so glad and proud of you for you showing up at work. It's awesome that you made it a whole 29 days! That's awesome! Next time you can try for 30!

Hang in there!

love, kristin

Telstaar said...

Hun, sometimes sick days come and by sick I'm talking physical and mental health sick days. In the health field that can mean people in great need aren't seen and miss out on appts or court dates cancelled! BUT as you said, people are depending on you... when you want to leave early or not show up to work - try and remember how it felt when Dr K wasn't available for YOU... THEN try and decide whether there is a way you can get through the day while still looking after yourself, self care is important! It's finding the balance.

Hang in there hun, you made it 29 days and that is great :)

Love ya xoxo