Sunday, July 12, 2009

Note To Self

Just like JB, I need a "note to self:"

1. Bingeing is never a good idea. Even if every bone in my body is screaming, "Binge, binge, binge, binge!" - Don't do it.

2. Remember: I always regret bingeing. It's NOT going to be different, "this time."

3. Cutting causes shame.

4. Negative behaviors actually make me feel WORSE and compound my problems.

When will I get this through my thick head?????


Just Eat It! said...

This may be cliche, but perhaps you can try writing it down on a note card and looking at it when you need it? It could be a good reminder.

Zena said...

Alright I will start again as I have tried to post this comment for the third time already...goes to show my dedication huh??'

So hey there,

I have been a long time reader.stalker if you will:) you dont know me but I know you at least what I can gather from your posts. I just want to say I get it I totally get it, negative behaviors never make us feel better. Point in being I binged last night and for once did not purge, I made a concious choice that if I were to binge I was not allowed to purge it was a non-option. I made it a non option, SO in turn I was forced to sit with the consequences. Ie: feeling like a cow today, but and here is the butt, I know I NEVER want to feel like I did today AGAIN!!! It is a huuge deterant...and while it is a deterant and I am sure I wont binge tonight, I am sure it will happen again at some point, but the choice is yours will you allow these behaviors allow you to feel like shit all day or will you do something to make sure it doeant happen again, will you make binging a non option, something you jsut can not allow to happen because you know the consequences or will you allow the ED to comtinue to control your every move. SO you binged, you will not die from it, in fact you may have actually learned from it. Its your decision. i think you have learned from it, I think you know it only brings negative emotions, I think you can move beyond this ED, I see your potenial...can you see it?

Love ,Z

Telstaar said...

All good things to remember... but I have two things I want to say (cause I never seem to shut up!)...

1. (Obvious point) - They ARE good points, but do not beat yourself up when you stumble on these things. (Using yr own analogy, if you beat your head against the brick wall in punishment, it will just swell and make it harder to get new information in there :p)

2. I was thinking about your attack on yourself "get this through my (your) think head?????"... and I was thinking to myself... Kara, your head has protected you from SOOO many things! I think that really your head appears to be pretty damn smart! I think that any "thickness" there has held you in good stead and kept you alive. I don't even know much of your story but I've guessed a few things and I think that honestly, if it wasn't for your "thick head" that you may have crumpled in a proverbial heap by now and not gotten up.... So... maybe, just maybe, even though these are all behaviours you don't like and want to get rid of (which is great)...maybe your head has actually being doing a better job than you think??


Thinking of and praying for you miss xox

lisalisa said...

why the heck do we keep doing things that hurt us? Probably because it makes the pain go away temporarily. I hear ya, sister. Sigh.