Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Ahoy from the big CO!

Hello from In-the-Middle-Of-Nowhere, Colorado!  Besides the horrible trip here, things are going better than I expected - thank goodness for the internet.  This is only my second day here, but so far the highlight of the trip has been buying a sweet fleece Northface jacket (in green).  I'm addicted to it.  It feels like you're wearing a blanket.  I love all things fleece. 

The worst part of the trip so far besides the traveling is that I'm not sleeping at all.  Sleeping is probably my favorite past time, so when I can't sleep I get irritated.  Grrrrrr.  I should probably up my Trazedone.  Gotta love that stuff.  Although lately it hasn't been doing it's magic.  

My eating is finally back on track.  Hallelujah!  This has been a big stressor for me, so I'm glad that I'm finally doing something about it.  The holidays are almost over, yay!  

I hope everyone has a Happy New Year!  


PTC said...

Pretty picture. I hope you enjoy the rest of your trip and get some sleep!

lisalisa said...

yeah, trazodone rox my sox! it takes all the guesswork out of having to fall asleep. Plus it costs like 10 cents or something.;)

kristin said...

I love the picture!

Sorry to hear that you aren't sleeping. For some odd reason I generally can't sleep very well if I am somewhere other than in my own bed or in a familiar place. I hope that you can find a way to get some sleep!

Take care!


JC said...

Hi Kara,

thank you for coming by my blog! I'd like to add you to my list... it would be good to get to know you better :)

I just saw your quote at the top of the comment box, "I love Diet Dr. Pepper" ... I don't think Canada has that, do we???? I wish we did, i haven't seen it! I'm addicted to diet coke!

Anyway back to the comment I was going to make ;) I cannot sleep whatsoever without a sleeping pill. I take temazepam 30mg, which knocks me to the floor. I actually asked for a decrease because I stay so sedated in the morning. Since halfing the dose i've notice a huge difference. Maybe ask your doctor about that med?

Again, glad to meet you Kara!! :)

Sarah Johnson said...

Ohhhh.......the pain of NOT SLEEPING! From one who has suffered for months on end from insomnia, I feel your pain. I'm just starting to come around again, thank goodness. Hope the rest of your nights are more restful!

JC said...

Hey Kara!
I'm online, looks like at the same time as you. Can you email me to itssunnyout at hotmail dot com? I'll send you an email :)

Alanna said...

I'm so glad you started feeling better about the diet bit. :) hope your trazadone works. That stuff scares me, but it does a good job. I'm thinking your fleece must be amzaing. hope you're getting sleep now. love you much!