Saturday, December 13, 2008

Food Journal - YIKES!

I had therapy yesterday for the first time in a week and a half.  I told her about the log analogy from "Eating in the Light of the Moon" and she expanded the story to make an interesting point.  She said that there could be other logs on the way to the shore, but the ED log is preventing me from seeing them.  These other logs could represent other things, like therapy, church, and friends.  I need to ease myself away from the ED log and use these other logs to help me get to the shore.  I'm definitely no where near 100% committed to do that just yet, but I'm thinking about it.

I got another e-mail from my dietician.  She e-mailed me forms that I need to fill out and told me what I need to bring to the appointment.  She wants me to write down what I eat for 3 days - ahhhhhh.  I don't know about you, but what I eat is highly personal.  I don't like telling anyone what I eat, much less a dietician that I've never met.  I'm afraid that she will judge me.  I dread her telling me that I'm eating too much or not healthily enough.  Last time I went to a dietician I burst into tears and sobbed throughout the whole session.  Food is such a sensitive topic.       

I'm getting desperate for a job.  My friend told me that a restaurant in the area is hiring.  I feel weird being a waitress when I have a college degree... but I'm going to apply on Monday.  


Anonymous said...

I hate food journals. Try to do it for the first appointment if you can, but if you can't, explain why you can't. It's an issue to discuss.

For me, food logs are not helpful. My dietitian had me do them for a bit and then they stressed me out so much that she realized that they were hurting me, not helping.

For a first appointment, they can be helpful. "Try to try." :)

Sadie said...

Oh I keep a food journal. Its not that bad and keeping it private is really easy. I keep one so I can not only see what I'm eating but really understand what I am putting in my body. Being aware of ourselves is the first step to ANY kind of recovory. If we arn't honest about who we are and what we are, we can't change to be something better. Same with food. Its easy to justify food in small portions but if you really think about it, the smallest of things can make a huge difference to our health. With that said, ED is like any other addiction, when your willing and ready to leave it behind it wont be this stressful. You said it, your not ready. And thats ok. But your honest with yourself about it and thats a great first step. I hate to compare it to alcholism, smoking, or drug abuse but its the same prinipal and the same mental, physical addiction. Why do we love things that are harmful to us? Who the hell knows but you can bet thats one of my first questions on the other side! Just keep going foward and get up when you fall. PS. Sorry about the jeans! That always sucks taking something back!!!! I love you, miss you and hope your doing better then you come off on your blogs!

Tiptoe said...

Personally, I'm not a big food journal fan. I do think at times it can be helpful, as it can help establish patterns to the relationship between food and emotions.

However, they are not for everyone either. For me, food journals are very triggering and is a big red flag that I'm not doing well. Everyone is different though.

I'd give it a try and see how it goes. Be honest with the dietitian on how you feel about them and your fears of sharing.

Good luck with the job. Sometimes, we have to do whatever to get by.

Lisa and Jim said...

I agree with everyone on giving it a shot, and definitely go over your feelings at the appt. Food journals are an ambiguous thing. Try to see it as a way to create a baseline, nothing more.

And I know it'll still worry you, but dietitians are sometimes wonderfully understanding people.