Monday, December 15, 2008

Second Interview, Baby!

I interviewed today to be a waitress at a local restaurant. I tried sooooooo hard to make a good impression.  I'm typically not outgoing, am very quiet, and have a really monotone voice, so I pepped it up BIG TIME.  I smiled every other sentence, sat up really straight (I'm a horrible slouch), I engaged in conversation, I made my voice animated - the works!  I pulled out all the stops.  And guess what?  It worked!  Hold your horses, I don't have the job yet, but I have a second interview tomorrow at 3pm.  Apparently, it's policy that new applicants interview with all three managers - yikes.  So I'm going to have to go through this process again at least two more times.  Don't get me wrong, I'm so glad I have a second interview, but it's friggin' hard work to transform myself into an animated, social, interesting person.  Instead of me trying to be fake to get the job, I like to think of it more as "putting my best self forward."  And right now, I'd do just about anything to get a job.  

Cross your fingers for me tomorrow at 3pm!  If you're a praying person, please send a prayer my way that I'll get the job.  Thanks!  I'll let you know how it goes tomorrow...  


Asherbie said...

Good luck, Kara! Knock 'em dead!

Jackie said...

Good luck honey!!!! It sounds like you kicked butt during the interview. Keep us updated!!


Sarah Johnson said...

Yes, I'd also like to refer to it as "putting your best self forward." I do the same thing all the time!! Us quieter, not-so-peppy-by-nature people, just have to learn this artform and use it well. Good luck!