Wednesday, December 17, 2008

You're Asking Me What???!!!!

I had the second interview yesterday and I don't feel as good about it as I did the first one.  I find out on Thursday whether I made the cut for the third interview.  You aren't going to believe this though - they made me take a personality test!  Now it wasn't just any personality test, it was all about your emotional state of mind.  One hundred and fifty questions that didn't directly yet still pretty blatantly ask if I had depression, bipolar, or ODD.  Here were some of the questions:

"Yes or No: You feel like your future is very dark." Sounds like depression.

"Yes or No: You sometimes get extremely sad for no reason and then jump to being extremely happy for no reason." Sounds like they are asking if I'm bipolar... hmmmmmm... can they do that? 

"Yes or No: You feel lonely even when you are surrounded by people."  This is getting quite personal...

"Yes or No: You are melancholy and have low energy most of the time."  Um, depression much? 

And these are only the questions I remember off the top of my head.  There were many more of the same nature.  Now it's time for my question: Are companies allowed to ask about your mental health????  The test was basically running down the list of criteria for certain mental disorders from the DSM-IV.  It made me feel oh so uncomfy.      


The Thurber's said...

That is really interesting to have to answer a questionaire like that in a job interview. I think is some sort of law against asking questions like that...I know there is one that referrs to disabilities where the interviewer/employer can't ask or comment unless the person brings it up.

Tiptoe said...

Though I think it is incredibly wrong of companies to ask these types of questions, I think there are more places doing so. Maybe they want to ensure that you are mentally sound and don't do something drastic there?

Still, it leave you uncomfortable and kind of like your privacy is violated.

Lisa and Jim said...

Oh god, I hate those questionnaires. I never know what's the "right" answer to get me hired!

Anonymous said...

Um, that sounds REALLY weird. Are they allowed to do that?? Geez, I'd have to lie on most of the questions, knowing what they are getting at. I don't know, Kara...but this doesn't seem right.

PTC said...

Hey! Stopped by and started reading so I can catch up.

That test sounds nuts to me. This is for a waitressing job that they ask all those questions??

Stacey B. said...

Yeah, that's not a common questionnaire for a waitressing job. All I ever had to do was take the Food Handlers Test. But you know the phrase, "Going postal", well, maybe they're just trying to make sure you don't go postal on your customers?? I have no idea. My brothers had to take tests like that to become a police officer.

Should I still say good luck? Well, I hope you get a job soon, whether it's this one or another. So for that... Good luck!