Monday, January 11, 2010

No STDs for Me!

Well, here I am, at the office for the first time in 12 days. I wish that was because I was vacationing for 12 days, but no, I was sicker than a dog. And it wasn't just uncomfy, don't feel good sick, it was gross, disgusting, nobody-look-at-me sick. It was also the weirdest sickness I have ever gotten - it took four doctors to diagnosis me and then it turned out to be just a freaking virus!! Virus = can't do sh-t about it, just wait it out. I was at least hoping for some sort of cool diagnosis that I could brag about later. Here were my gnarly symptoms (for those of you faint hearted, you might want to skip over this part):

- Blisters with whiteheads all over my mouth, tongue and throat.
- Opaque yellow layer of who knows what covering my tongue.
- Blisters and sores on my lips.
- Fever.
- Headaches (these are probably because I couldn't get my daily fix of caffeine - stopped cold turkey).

I know it kinda sounds like I got an STD, ewwies, but trust me folks, no STDs for me.

My mouth was in excuriating pain, it hurt to talk, it hurt to swallow, it hurt when I was doing nothing at all. I also had no energy. The only thing I could manage was drinking liquids slowly through a straw. Yay for Propel and chocolate milk! Finally the third doctor I saw finally gave me something for the pain. It's called "magic mouthwash" (some sort of lidocaine cocktail) - it was A- freaking - mazing. It numbed my entire mouth and I could finally get some sleep.

Worst part about it: Guess who had to take vacation days for this? Moi. Grrrrrrrrr.


Mormon Bachelor Pad said...

Liquid through a straw.

I have always wondered if someone could actually blend a hamburger and drink it through a straw.

Did you try anything like that?

Glad it over.


Eating With Others said...

I loved the comment from MBP - John Pinnete has a joke about diet's and juicers - He juiced a ham!

I'm glad your feeling better now. It suck's about having use vacation day's for when your sick. I've got to too. I took vac for my surgery - THAT WAS NOT A VACATION!!!

lisalisa said...

ohmygosh that sounds horrible! You have had the worst luck lately :(.
I hope things start looking up for you soon :).

Sarah Johnson said...

yeah, no STDs for you! cause for a second,i was worried ;) but talk about yucky shmucky. glad you are feeling better!

kristin said...

Sounds like a NIGHTMARE! I am so glad that you're feeling better now! Yeah for feeling better! :)

Take care!

Krista said...

My friend had a weird thing like that in high school and they gave her genital herpes medication to heal it. Of course I made fun of her and she made me swear to to tell no one about it. Glad you are feeling better.

Oh and the mouse in the last post- ewwwww! I would ahve screamed and left the room.

Asherbie said...

Dude. So sorry it's been so rough. Glad you're getting back into the swing of things.

Sadie said...

And I complain about cramps. Girl, you need a break!!! Sorry to hear about the nasty mouth/face/neck/head stuff. Get feeling better soon!! I could never give up my Diet Dr.Pepper so I dearly hope I never have to give up caffine!