Sunday, November 2, 2008

Welcome To My Blog!

Well, I've finally decided to bite the bullet and start a blog.  I've heard many people say that it's very therapeutic, and since I can use all the therapy I can get... here we go!  My name is Kara and despite the fact I'm close to 25 years old, I'm living at home with my parents.  Groan.  After six years I have finally graduated from BYU with a wonderful bachelor's degree and now... I'm jobless.  I've been looking for a job for 2 months and nothing so far.  I've kind of been guiltfully enjoying not working, but I need to start making mucho money to pay the bills and be a productive member of society (cuz that's a good thing, right?).  

I've had an eating disorder since I was 12 and now I can finally say that I'm in recovery - or trying to be in recovery.  I've been out of treatment for a little over a year.  One of my problems in recovery is finding something that I care about more than losing weight.  I'm hoping that blogging will either help me find something I care about more or perhaps will be the thing that I care about more.  (Hopefully, I'll find something in life I care about more than blogging too, but I'll take what I can get for now.)  

So here we go...  


KC said...

Don't be too hard on yourself about the job. with the economy the job market is so bad right now. also, good luck in recovery! we're all in this together. I find that blogging gives me instant feedback, it's very therapeutic. annnd, this sounds totally vain, but something that's helping me right now - for every week I go without purging or restricting, I get to buy a shirt, dress, or something. I never realized that I want new clothes more than I want recovery, but...I guess I do. :) So maybe you can reward yourself for each week you go w/o losing weight? xo Kyla

Anonymous said...

Kara, this is Erica Hyland and I'm really excited and proud of you for starting your very own blog. Yes, indeed, I have found that writing is incredibly theraputic. Keep writing honestly, that is when it "works" best. I love you girl!

K said...

Thanks for the support, guys. I know I shouldn't get too worried about not getting a job, but my mom is starting to get on my case about it - and since I live with her right now... well you know.

Sar said...

Welcome to the blogging world! Journaling/blogging/writing helps so much. Plus, doing it online lets you get feedback from friends (if you want it). I find that for me it helps me put my thoughts in order... everything is already in my head and I know what's what, but seeing it all typed out really helps me sort out my thoughts and feelings a lot of the time. blahblahblah... :)

Sar said...

Oh, that last comment - from "Sar" is from me, Sarah Strickler. I don't think you know my email address so if you clicked on my name I don't think you would have figured out who the heck was rambling at you :) So, now you know it's me!

Wendy said...

I"m glad you found my blog. I will definately be checking yours often. Good luck with the job thing. I'm sure everything will work out!!

Stacey B. said...

Kara! It's always good to hear from you and know what you are doing. I am so proud of you. You have accomplished so much already, so take a deep breath! You are a wonderful girl with every possibility in front of you. And if you need a job, remember that starting small is sometimes better than starting at the level you think you should. I'm not saying you should flip burgers (that is wrong on so many levels :)) but my Dad always told us that if we didn't have a job, our job was to get a job. Sometimes you just have to take what you can get. I worked as an assistant at a law firm (which was obviously NOT my degree) but I absolutely loved it and learned so much.
I love you and will be praying for you continued success. Keep updating your blog and add some pictures!

Heather said...

Hey Kara,
Thanks for sending me your link. Congratulations on Graduation and good luck with the job search. I know you'll find something. You are one of the strongest people I know, having come through what you have to change your life. You'll be alright. There are an awful lot of people on your side as well as a loving Father in Heaven. Good Luck with everything.

Unknown said...

Kara, I'm proud of you for starting this blog! I've been a horrible pen pal, but hopefully we can keep in better touch through our blogs! Remember, all things are possible with Christ.

Asherbie said...

Sure do love you! I am sending you an invite to my blog at your gmail account. I really enjoy blogging and do think it's a great way to journal growth and life. Can't wait to see your posts! You know I will be checking on you!!! ;)

Lisa said...


you are amazing and i am so glad you are willing to share your story! I am glad it is theraputic for you but I know it will be inspirational for others also! I love you!


Sadie Does Life said...

I love blogging so much its pretty sick. It is addicting and yet so theraputic!! You'll finding yourself looking for things to blog about by looking at others blogs for insperation. ITs always good to know there are people out there with good stories to tell. I'm your biggest fan! Love you.

Anonymous said...

Hey Kara,

It's great to hear from you! I'll look forward to reading your blog, and hearing about your adventures :). I hope this blog is what you need and want it to be. Write for yourself and not for anyone else!

On a separate note, I ran a blog earlier this year for maybe six months, on African affairs, of course. I started on blogger but then switched to Wordpress because I found that there were more applications, and that they had a more "modern" look to them. Not everyone would agree with me, I'm sure. It was just my preference. My blog is defunct right now, but it's still sitting there. I might pick it back up again some time. If you're interested in seeing what it looks like, I've posted it at the url below.

Wordpress also has some other nice features that allow you to see how many people view you site and read your posts, etc.

If you have any questions about blogging or Wordpress or Blogger, just shoot me an email. Believe me, I used to be obsessed with those sites!

All my love,


Anonymous said...

Hey again. I'm going to write out the url because I think it's malfunctioning in the post above. The site is at:


kristin said...

Welcome to the blogging world! It's great place to be! :)

Anonymous said...

Congrats on the blog! Sorry about the job thing. I'm sure you'll find something soon. I'm excited to see future posts!

Kate said...

Hey Kara...
I was happy to see your email... I love getting updates on how you are doing (b/c I love you hehehe).
I've been wanting to start a blog for me and my husband so it is good to take a look at yours.
Hope the east is treating you well.
Love from Utah,
Kate (Doshier)Alder

Anonymous said...

You are so honest!!!!! It's so refreshing. I understand about the itchy feet with not getting a job. I'm trying to get a new one and I'm struggling to be patient. Something will turn up. I know so!!! Remember how much we love you!!! I should start a blog, but I'm not quite willing to lay plain my crazy thoughts.... :D Maybe someday....

Linnea Belnap said...

You are an inspiration to me. You always have been. Keep pushing forward, you are doing it!!
Love ya,

Anonymous said...

Hello Crazy Pants! And I hope that you enjoyed that I capitalized crazy pants, like it was a proper noun! I am so excited for your blog! I have been telling myself for months that I need one! Maybe now is the time! I want you to know that you are and always will be one of the most amazing people i know! LOVE YOU!
P.S it's Lindsey! :)

brie said...

blogging has really helped me be passionate about something other than Ed. i hope it can do the same for you!

The Thurber's said...

Linn told me that when she makes somments on blogs it pasts as my name! Funny. I wonder why???
I am excited to read your can tell a good story.