Sunday, November 9, 2008

"Avoid it at all costs!" That's my motto!

The future scares me.  I get scared just thinking about it.  I also get tired just thinking about it.  So this weekend, I have tried my best to avoid thinking about it at all costs.  Isn't ignorance bliss or something?  

This is what I've done instead:

- read 100 pages of "The Book Thief" (a fabulous book by the way!)
- watched "The Inside Man" on TV
- slept in until noon
- walked the dog
- went to church
- went to Chipotle with the 'rents


KC said...

oh! I read the first 15ish pages of the book thief, loved it, then put it down to read some nonfiction, but I'm looking forward to getting back to it.

The Thurber's said...

I LOVED The Book Theif!
I think it is healthy to stay present...avoiding the future isn't necessarily a bad thing. I think it can actually be a waste of time if you dwell on it too much.

Sadie said...

yummmmmmmmm...chipotle!!!! I have to go all the way to SLC/Sandy to get that!!!

Anonymous said...

The only way out is through...

...the more you avoid, the longer you avoid, the longer you'll stay stuck...the deeper you'll sink into this warped that is not true. There is another side...

being stuck where you are now is more scary, brings more fear to thyself then going through it.

-erica h