Monday, November 24, 2008

Therapy Fix

I had a really good sesh with Dr. K today.  We figured some things out.  (More like she figured it out and then told me.)  I get really      u-p-s-e-t about my body size and fatness.  When I feel fat I have this heart-wrenching emotional pain that twists my innards into a fiery of daggers and burning agony.  Needless to say, it's really INTENSE.  How pathetic, you might think, that I get so immensely distressed over my flabbiness.  Don't worry - I agree 100%.  But today, Dr. K helped me see it from a different perspective: I'm not in agonizing pain because of my fat factor, I'm really in emotional pain from something else (ex: I'm scared to live my life, I can't find a job, etc.) and I'm displacing my agony onto being fat so I don't have to deal with the real issue.  So even though I think and feel in the moment like the pain is stemming from me being fat, it's really about something deeper that I don't want to think about.  Dr. K says it's easier for me to obsess about my body size than to deal with the real issues because my weight is something that I can control whereas the other things aren't totally in my control.  Now, I think that all this makes perfect psychological sense (as much as EDs can make sense at least), however I still strongly believe that I hate my body because I'm actually fat and need to lose weight.  I know having an ED exacerbates and intensifies my hatred of my body and causes some extra emotional baggage surrounding my weight issues, but I think that I am legitimately fat and legitimately need to lose weight.  So to sum it all up I feel like I feel fat because I am fat, but that I feel fatter and get more emotionally messed up about it than the Average Joe (or Jane) because it's really about something else entirely.  It's a combination between me being fat and deeper issues.  

Dr. K doesn't think I need to lose anymore weight, but I want to be thinner.  I want to be thin, thin, thin.  I don't know if this is a very righteous desire, but unfortunately it's what I care about the most in life.  I am horrified at myself that being thin is my greatest ambition when I should be caring about having a fulfilling life, being the best I can be, and world peace, but it's true.  The suckiest part about it is that if I ever get down to the size I want to be, it probably won't make my life any better and will probably actually make it worse.  Yet, I still continue to cling to the idea that thin = happy.  

Onto the topic of getting a job.  I had another disheartening blow.  I thought I might be able to get a job at Marriott because my bishop works there and he has gotten a lot of people in my ward jobs there, but I talked to him yesterday and he said that Marriott has a hiring freeze right now because of the economy.  Stupid economy.  



Anonymous said...

Oh Kara, I'm so sorry that you have to deal with these crushing feelings. You are beautiful and wonderful. As for the job, I know God will lead you to the right one at the right time. Believe in yourself, and know that you're in the right place at this very moment! Love you...

KC said...

I'm sorry EDs are so tough. I relate to this post so much. I really doubt that you're actually fat though, no matter what you may think. But I think you're right on - it's really about something more painful that's not very easy to control. Remember that it's the economy and not your worth or your qualifications that are making your job search difficult...

Lisa and Jim said...

Bodies are important - they're how you're oriented to the world, and they can do some pretty amazing things. The way you're feeling isn't pathetic at all. You've got a disease, and you're taking steps to get better. That's incredibly strong.

Sadie said...

I hear ya sister. I think getting this treadmill has made me obsessed about loosing weight. I hate getting on it but I get scared when i don't. I lost 5lbs last week. I think it was too much to fast but it felt SO good! I really do hope you find what you are looking for (aside from being thin, thin, thin). Keep fighting to the good fight and keep that beautiful chin up. I love that picture by the way!!! Maybe running can be you outlet plus it will get you into better shape to loose weight in a healthy way!

Stacey B. said...

All I can say to that is I love you! Reading that takes me right back to NH and our long talks. I miss you when I read that, I also want to shake you, though that won't do any good. :)