The week has just gotten worse and worse from my last post. I feel like I'm on the verge of a nervous breakdown. Today has been especially bad. The icing on the cake? I went to e-mail my roomies that I was having a hard time/mental breakdown (if they only knew how bad it really was, hah) and asked permission to do my designated cleaning chore by Sunday instead of by tomorrow -- but guess what? Instead of sending it to my roomies, I accidentally sent it to the freaking
Board Director of my Volunteer Corps - who I a) have only met once and b) already don't like her. Nothing like getting hit when you are already down. Grumble. Grumble.
I'm going to have a terrible weekend too. The Volunteer Corps (that means me) are going on an intimate weekend retreat at a beach house with the Board (including the one I sent the e-mail to). FML. And yes, we are going to the beach in the dead of winter and it's supposed to snow. What are these people thinking???
Well, it's after 1am and I need to go to bed. I spent literally ALL DAY procrastinating applying for scholarships so I have to do that in the morning - they are due on Monday.
So goodnight, peeps.
PS - I also fired my dietitian today (adding to some of that breaking downage), but I don't have the mental/emotional energy to give you the juicy details tonight. Let's just leave it for now that she got my hopes up, dashed them, has a "holier than thou" attitude, and doesn't know as much as she thinks she does. More to come, I promise -- if I survive the winter beach retreat, that is.