Friday, December 4, 2009


Because I can't quite handle the pressure of my job, my boss has given me Thursdays off for a month. Yeserday was my third Thursday off, so I only have one more before I have to go back to work full-time. I'm scared.

Here is how I spent my off day yesterday:

1:00pm - get out of bed.

1:15pm - Spent FOUR hours watching TV including, but not exclusively "My Fair Wedding" (yay TLC) and "I Didn't Know I was Pregnant (I think I'm addicted to the show in a oh-my-hell-if-I-get-preggers-right-now-I-will-shoot-myself sort of way - fear glues my eyes to the TV screen, I try to pull away, but I can't). Tres addicting.

5:30pm - I manage to get my out of the house, but only because my roomie needed a ride to the metro and I was the only one home. This was a good thing because then I want to the pharmacy to pick up an oh so important prescription. Although, I refused to put on a bra for the trip.

6:30pm - plop down in front of the TV and didn't get up for almost FIVE more hours. This time I watched serious trash TV - The Real Housewives of Orange County - yikes, I know. I did end my day with Chelsea Lately, one of my favorite shows, but she and the other comedians were a little too raunchy so I only watched half the show. :(

11:20pm - go to bed.

Even though all I wanted to do was to do nothing all day, it was a very unsatisfying day - it went by way too fast. As I lied down in bed last night, I thought to myself, at least tomorrow is Friday...

Today (Friday): BAD DAY FROM THE GET-GO:

- I waited in a really looooooong line at Starbucks only to get up to the front and realize that they didn't have bananas to make my smoothie. I went away empty handed.

- On the way from Starbucks back to my office, carrying two over sized bags, I totally biffed it in the middle of the street. This was a full on biff - I was down for the count. My bags went flying and the whole right side of my body hurts.

As Shawnia Twain says, "you can only go up from here." I hope she is right.


kristin said...

I hope she's right, too! I hope that you start feeling better and that things become more manageable for you!

Thinking of you.

Krista said...

That show "I didn't know I was pregnant" is freaky!!! I seriously dont know how someone could not know, but apparently there are enough people out there who do to make a show!

Up!Up! Up! Up where the clouds gonna clear! Hope things look up for you... now that song is in my head!

Sarah Johnson said...

awww, sorry you biffed it so bad! my chances of doing the same thing go up tenfold during the winter months. and wait a sec, you call the real housewives trash tv???? kara! that series is like seriously one of my faves. the OC, New Jersey, and Atlanta all rock my trashy world!!! hahaha