Saturday, June 6, 2009

Target Run!

I went to Target today for one thing - a bookshelf.  But you can never go to Target and just buy one thing....  I bought much more than a bookshelf - I ended up spending an extra $140 - oops.  Ha.  Here's what costed me $140.  Was it worth it? Hellz yeah

I've been wanting a yellow purse F-O-R-E-V-E-R.  I finally found one that I like.  It looks bright yellow in the photo, but it's actually more of a subdued, mustard yellow.  It rocks!  (And no, I could not figure out how to rotate the pic.)

I wasn't planning on ever really buying any more DVDs since I have Netflix and it's much cheaper than buying DVDs, but when I saw this one, I had to had to had to have it.  I saw "He's Just Not That Into You" in the theaters twice (and that's saying a lot for me).  Sooooooooo good I just had to own it! 

I've been needing a water bottle for a while now because I keep just reusing the plastic bottles from the grocery store.  I saw this cute one in the camping section and I just had to have it.  It's hard to see from the picture, but it has a cute bird and some branches on it.  Love it!

 I've been wanting an iHome of some sort to play my iPod nano (that I got FREE when I bought my MacBook - yeah baby!).  I wanted something small and I found this Skull Candy one that plays the music off your iPod and charges it at the same time.  

So I bought all this fun stuff AND I also found a bookshelf for 60 bucks.  I'd say that this was a good trip...

Very therapeutic.  


PTC said...

You're right, I always say that you can't go to Walmart or Target for 1 thing. You always come out spending 150 dollars more than you need to.

Good buys though!!

kristin said...

Awesome! Sounds like a good and productive trip! :)

Anonymous said...

I love that water bottle. So cute!

lisalisa said...

I looove that bag- it looks like the kind you can sneak 20oz bottles of diet DrPepper into the movies with! Good choice!

Sarah Johnson said...

HELLZ YEAH! Good to see ya today :)

Telstaar said...

Good work!!! Hey you might've spent extra monies, but you got lotsa stuff! Cool stuff at that :D


Wrapped up in Life said...

Yay - how FUN!!! We all deserve those days every once in awhile ;)