Sunday, June 14, 2009

The Price

I'm lying in bed.  I'm so comfortable on my new mattress and bed in my new apartment... about to fall asleep... my mind is in that in-between state  before it gets swept away into LaLa Land... when all of a sudden: RUMBLE RUMBLE RUMBLE CLATTER RUMBLE CLATTER CLATTER.

What the hezzel??!!

It's the effing Metro train!!!  We are so close to the metro that I can hear it in my room!  I never really noticed it until everything was quiet and I was trying to fall asleep my first night.  It comes by every 12 minutes.  Some trains are louder than others.  Most of them are pretty quiet, but every once and a while there is a doozy.  Thankfully it doesn't go all night.  This is a major flaw of my wonderfully perfect apartment.  I think I can get over it though.  (After all I must.)  I bought ear plugs last night and although the whole earplug experience was weird (I'm sure that anyone who has worn earplugs knows what I'm talking about), it helped a lot. 

So maybe we are a little too close to the Metro... 

There is always a price for convenience.  Heh.    


Lisa and Jim said...

Oh no! I hope the earplugs work.

PTC said...

You'll probably get used to it, though I havent' gotten used to the city sounds yet and it's been over a year.

Earplugs rock. I wear them when I play my drums, but the are weird.

lisalisa said...

That sucks! You are right; good things always seem to come with a price. Maybe that's why the rent was cheap? Well hopefully you can get used to it or tune it out or something. Just keep thinking about those lovely hardwood floors! :)

Anonymous said...

You might find that you start to like it! My sister right by an El line in Chicago and the trains go by every 7 minutes or so -- something like that. When I first stayed at her place, I noticed it all the time. This last time, I kind of liked it and didn't notice it most of the time.

I miss thunderstorms. :(

Anonymous said...

Sleeping with earplugs sucks. :(

Jackie said...

You will get used to it I promise. If you move again, you will miss those sounds. I am so happy you have your own place. Post pictures soon!!! xoxo