Monday, June 15, 2009

Consumer Whore Post

JB has inspired me to do a consumer whore post of my own.  Here is the new drink I'm into - Peach Mango Propel Water.  It's delish!  And it has 3 grams of fiber - and I'm the type of person that could use A LOT of fiber.  Don't worry, I still love my Diet Sunkist and Diet Dr. Pepper, but I need to be drinking more water and this Propel is actually good!  I know I'm a consumer whore, but these little things brighten my day... does that make me shallow?  Hmmm....


Just Eat It! said...

I've never had Propel. I should get into it.

lisalisa said...

I've never seen Propel with water! I shall have to look out for it- it sounds great! Peach and mango are some of my favorite flavors, too.

Wrapped up in Life said...

Not shallow at all, silly! Enjoying the smaller things in life is how I would describe it!

p.s. word ver is "gursor" - kind of like a cursor for the large-read version of Reader's Digest?