Sunday, November 8, 2009

You Can Stop Holding Your Breath Waiting for Another Post

Sorry, I haven't blogged in a while. I know that I'm so riveting that you all have been waiting with betted breath for another post in the saga of my life. Ha ha. I haven't blogged in exactly one week. That's an unusually long time for me. I've been pretty stressed out this week because last Sunday I found out that I needed to move out of my apartment and into the Volunteer Corps. House (it's clearly A LOT more complicated than that, but I'll spare you the gory details). I started moving today and I'm about half way done. I have all my furniture moved in courtesy of C, the neighborly lawn man, but now I have all that crap to go through where you don't know what to do with it yet you just can't bring yourself to get rid of it. Why is it that every time I move I realize how much stuff I really have?! I just accumulate and accumulate - like a vacuum sucking up stuff from very major retailer in the area.

I know this move will be good for me (at least that's what I keep telling myself over and over in my head seeing as it wasn't totally my choice). The rent is 1/6 of the cost of the rent at my old apartment (major brownie points!) and it's closer to work (but now involves a bus ride and a train ride, yuck). I'm going to miss my roommate though and I'm going to miss only living with one person opposed to the four I'm moving in with. But I know these girls and I like them. They are the ones doing the Volunteer Corps. program with me (although they work at other agencies in the area, not the rape crisis center). I won't miss having to deal with an obnoxiously unreachable and clueless/malicious (I know, weird combo, but I have living proof) landlord. The move really is a no-brainer, but me no likey change and transitions.

So needless to say I've been stressed to the MAX. Everything is stressing me out lately. Moving is stressing me out. Work is stressing me out. Therapy is stressing me out. Hell, even showering is stressing me out. Everything is stressing me out. This week I have Wednesday and Thursday off from work and I wish I could tell you that I'll finally have time to relax, but I won't - because I'm still in the process of moving. I'm not one of those haul-ass-get-it-all-done-in-one-day sort of person. I like to drag it out over a week or so - which ultimately makes it harder because then I'm stressed for that much longer. But hey, it's the way I work.

Off to watch Desperate Housewives with my old roomie - damn her for getting me hooked on this show!


Suzie Q said...

That sounds like so much going on. You will get through it. I am definitely a wait till the last minute and stress up to that point kind of person- I know it is not my best way to operate though and try to get little chunks done along the way. I don't know if this works for you but I find if I write a list of the parts of the job I have to do and cross off tasks as I do them it's more motivating to do them ahead of them and it seems less daunting. Of course, me time is necessary as well. I hope this move goes smoothly for you. Change can be hard. Maybe there are hidden positives that you will discover after you've moved? Have a good day.

kristin said...

That's one big load of stress on your shoulders right now. I bet it will feel good/better once you get the move finished with! Moving is NEVER fun and takes FOREVER! Take your time and try not to stress too much.

I'm so glad you posted! I was wondering what was going on with you! :)

Take care! Good luck!

lisalisa said...

sorry It has taken me so long to comment! It is too bad you have the stress of moving, but it sounds like there are also alot of positives. Like cheap rent, for instance. Think of the extra money you will have for Starbucks/christmas presents/therapy co-pays!
I have missed you! Blog more often!