Thursday, November 12, 2009

Slump dee Dump

Dearest readers, I'm sure by now you have all noticed that I'm in a blogging slump. I think I can attribute it to several things:

- This full-time job is KICKING MY ASS
- Currently moving is stressing me out (yesterday and today I have off work and I have not lifted a finger to finish moving my stuff, yesterday I slept all day instead and today it's 1pm and I still haven't done anything so now half my stuff is in my new place and half in my old place). Damn moving, damn damn damn.
- Therapy has been really hard lately. I've been angry at Dr. K many times over the past two months and it's really been affecting me and bringing up deeper issues that frankly I don't want to deal with.

So please hang in there with me peeps, hopefully I'll be back on track soon.


kristin said...

Sounds like you're having a tough time right now. :( I hope that things start getting better soon!

Hang in there, Kara! I'm always here if you need me! :)

Sarah Johnson said...

you hang in there too!! moving does suck. you know you could always let me know if you needed any help right? :)anyways, i miss seeing your face!

Krista said...

No worries. Blogging certainly goes in phases for me, but I still love reading up on everyone. Just work on what you need to for now and we will all still be here for you!

maybe said...

I'm appreciate your writing skill.Please keep on working hard.^^

Asherbie said...

Hang in there, girl. Think of happy things. Remember when we would make the Benson (I think!?) the lizard dance to the JS soundtrack?! Love it.